Happy School Nurses Day to two of the best in the business - our #WatertownWay Nurses Lynn Gilbert and Fallon Kowalkowski! You have gone above and beyond to serve our students and families, and we are so grateful to have you on the WUSD team!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
School Nurses Day
Who remembers learning how sound can travel by using cup phones? These #WatertownWay Douglas Tigers did just that. They sure had fun experimenting!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students using cup phones
These #WatertownWay Douglas 4th graders had a great time at Old World Wisconsin learning about entrepreneurs. They then went on a 3 mile hike of the Ice Age trail learning about the features the glaciers created in Wisconsin.
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students on a field trip hike
Students on a field trip
Students on a field trip
Students on a field trip
Reading is always more fun when you can create a comfortable spot to read in - just like this #WatertownWay Schurz Tiger did! 📚
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
A boy reading on round pillows on the floor
This Saturday, May 10, rock out with our #WatertownWay Orchestras featuring special guest, Mark Wood - an educator and founding member of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! Mark Wood brings his custom rock arrangements of classical and pop music to life with middle and high school musicians around the world. Students will develop their skills and channel their inner rock-gods through a multi-day workshop before celebrating with Mark in concert on May 14. Don't miss this amazing concert! 🙌🏻 🎻 🎶 Get your tickets now at https://goslingmusic.mywusd.org/
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Mark Wood Concert
#Watertown Way students in 4th and 5th grade used donated, recycled materials to make a boat powered by Sphero bolts. This picture is a student testing her group's boat during last Monday's STEAM night at Lincoln STEM Elementary! How cool!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Student with a homemade boat
Our #WatertownWay Essential Skills in Healthcare students learned how to perform CPR and use the AED machine!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students learning CPR
Students learning to use an AED machine
The WUSD is hiring summer cleaners and *lawn maintenance staff! Come join our team! Apply now at https://wecan.waspa.org/. For more information, please contact Human Resources Executive Assistant Sarah Miller at (920)262-1460 Ext. 3223 or at millers@watertown.k12.wi.us. *Lawn Maintenance - Must be 18 years of age or older
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Summer Cleaners
Lawn Maintenance
We could not be more excited to share that WHS Student Owen Harris and Endeavor Charter High School Student Carter Hesse have both been chosen as scholarhsip recipients of the prestigious Herb Kohl Scholarship program! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments! Please see the attached News Release below 👇. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JI9LmOTH_mHs9XDdGC4zcICnoFRMpNvA/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Owen Harris
Carter Hesse
These hardworking Green Tigers Garden Club members helped to beautify the Schurz Elementary garden by spreading mulch!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students spreading mulch
Students spreading mulch
Congratulations to our #WatertownWay award winners at the 51st Massed Band Concert - which was held Thursday, May 5, 2022 at WHS. Watertown High School Band directors Reid LaDew and Chad Martin and Riverside Middle School Band directors Wanda Doughty and Theresa Janke Oestreicher led each ensemble individually. Theresa Janke Oestreicher directed the massed band in performing “Music from West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein. Congratulations to Jackson Barta, Director’s Award for Musical Theater Orchestra; Sheldon Behymer, Spirit Award; Jacob Tietz, John Phillip Sousa Award; Lilly Farmer, Spirit Award; and Raigan Good, Patrick S. Gilmore Award. These students won a scholarship from the Watertown Music Booster Club to attend summer band camp or band lessons. Congratulations to Olivia Trepte - flute, grade 6; Josh Butzen - percussion, grade 7; Julian Byrne - percussion, high school; and Samantha Mendoza Hernandez - trumpet, high school.
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Band Award Winners
Band Award Winners
Our #WatertownWay LEAP 2/3 class is trying out Osmo Tangram and Plugo Link - tangible play options that pair along with iPad activities - during their Media Center time. #innovativelearningatLEAP
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students doing iPad activities
Students doing iPad activities
Students doing iPad activities
These #WatertownWay RMS Panthers worked on their cardiovascular fitness by running the Partner Pacer test!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students in Phy Ed
This past Thursday, our #WatertownWay RMS Track & Field athletes had a home event at WHS! Check out these action shots! Way to go, Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Track and Field athletes
Track and Field athletes
Track and Field athletes
Happy Mother's Day to all of our #WatertownWay moms! 👱🏾‍♀️ 👩🏾 👩
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Happy Mother's Day!
The WHS Chapter of the National Tri-M Music Honor Society donated $1,500 this year to our three #WatertownWay elementary school music teachers in the WUSD! The high school musicians donated the money to purchase instruments, buy new technology for the classroom and pay for field trips that will broaden the musical experiences of our elementary students in Watertown and inspire them to continue making music. We are proud to be the Watertown UNIFIED School District! 😍
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students donating a big check
Students donating a big check
Students donating a big check
Excitement was in the air at LEAP on Tuesday as Mrs. Pirkel welcomed our incoming Kindergarteners for the 2022-23 school year at our #WatertownWay Kindergarten Orientation! They had the chance to check out the school, meet new friends, and do fun activities - like making a leopard mask! As a reminder of their fun time together, Mrs. Pirkel sent them home with a cute homemade bag, their mask, and a book.
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Teacher and student
Miss Leahy’s Fiber Fabric Foods classes learned all about Italy and had a chance to make homemade pasta! We bet it was tasty!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Making homemade pasta
Making homemade pasta
Making homemade pasta
Making homemade pasta
In honor of Mother's Day, our #WatertownWay Schurz Elementary Green Tigers and their mothers enjoyed time together during our Bouquet and Tea, Mom and Me event. Members and their mothers made bouquets and enjoyed treats.
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Moms and children making flower bouquets
Moms and children making flower bouquets
Moms and children making flower bouquets
Moms and children making flower bouquets
When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine! ☀️These #WatertownWay Douglas 5th graders wanted to bring the sun to recess today!
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students lying around in a circle
Students lying around in a circle
Students lying around in a circle