4K Students in Mrs. Roth's class at Webster Elementary School recently enjoyed a bear-themed learning day! To add to the fun, 5th graders from Mrs. Meyers' class helped the the 4K students graph gummy bears by color, use unifix cubes to measure the length of different teddy bears, and to use a pan scale to compare the weight of plastic bears and various other objects in the classroom. Tradition. Innovation. Transformation. #WatertownWay!
about 5 hours ago, WUSD Communications
Bear Day
Bear Day
Bear Day
Bear Day
As we continue on the Road to the Referendum, we invite the community join us at an upcoming referendum presentation or at an informal meet & greet. All events are open to the public! Here's where to find us this week: 📍 Watertown Community & Senior Center (presentation, Q&A) 📅 Wednesday, March 12, 9:30-10:30 a.m. 📍 Lincoln Elementary School Gymnasium (presentation, Q&A) 📅 Thursday, March 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m. 📍 The Grove at The Marquardt Towne Center (presentation, Q&A) 📅 Friday, March 14, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 📍 Watertown Jig Jog 5K ☘ (come say hello by the Watertown Public Library!) 📅 Saturday, March 15, 9:15 a.m.-Noon
about 10 hours ago, WUSD Communications
Did You Know
This was so fun - staff members at Douglas Elementary School last Thursday hosted a Masked Dancer show for the students to enjoy. The students laughed and cheered, and the teachers in costume were great sports (and pretty great dancers, too 😀). Tradition. Innovation. Transformation. #WatertownWay!
1 day ago, WUSD Communications
Masked Dancer Show
What an amazing show! 🕺🎶 This past weekend, Watertown High School presented three incredible SOLD OUT performances of the musical Footloose. Congratulations to all the students, staff and parent volunteers - we didn't want it to end!
1 day ago, WUSD Communications
Footloose the Musical
Come learn more about the upcoming WUSD referendum! On Tuesday, March 11 join us for a Referendum Lunch & Learn at the Watertown Public Library sponsored by the Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce. Lunch is optional, but please still RSVP. Program starts at Noon. Tonight (Thurs. March 6) the WUSD will host a Road to the Referendum presentation at Douglas Elementary School at 6 p.m. These are great opportunities to ask questions to make an informed decision on April 1!
5 days ago, WUSD Communications
Lunch & Learn
Join us tonight at 6 p.m. at the Watertown Public Library for our next Road to the Referendum presentation. We invite you to participate in the discussion and ask questions. If you cannot attend tonight's presentation, then please join us on Thursday, March 6 at 6 p.m. at Douglas Elementary School.
8 days ago, WUSD Communications
Referendum Myth vs. Fact
As we continue on our Road to the Referendum, we invite the public to attend our next referendum presentation on Monday, March 3 at 6 p.m. at the Watertown Public Library. We also invite the community to learn more about the WUSD's annual audit report that was presented to the Board of Education on Monday, February 24. We are always happy to answer any questions regarding the referendum or the district's finances. Please email referendum2025@mywusd.org. District audit: https://go.boarddocs.com/wi/watertown/Board.nsf/files/DE2Q9T67BB63/$file/Watertown%20Unified%20School%20District%20-%202024%20Financial%20Statements.pdf
11 days ago, WUSD Communications
Referendum Did You Know
February is National Career & Technical Education Month and we have been recognizing our amazing Watertown High School CTE teachers on our WHS Facebook and Instagram pages. Thank you to Mrs. Schultz, Mr. Gross, Mr. Cornelius, Ms. Tarpey, Mr. Kempen, Mrs. Fuller, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Domer, and Mr. Phillips for all you do for our students.
11 days ago, WUSD Communications
CTE Month
CTE Month
CTE Month
CTE Month
CTE Month
As we continue on our Road to the Referendum, we invite the community to attend a special presentation this evening, Thursday, Feb. 27 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Watertown High School to better understand why the referendum is needed. If you cannot attend tonight's presentation, catch us on Monday, March 3 at 6 p.m. at the Watertown Public Library. A WUSD representative will also be present this afternoon from 4-5:30 p.m. to share referendum information at Glenn's Market & Catering, 722 W. Main St. Thank you to Glenn's Market for providing the WUSD with this opportunity to connect with the community!
12 days ago, WUSD Communications
Did You Know
Registration is now open for the WUSD Little Goslings Peer Model Program. Would your child be a good peer model for the program? If yes, enroll now! For Spring 2025 enrollment, please apply here: https://forms.gle/aED2TX4817pAZRWC9 *Children must be 3 years of age before September 1st of the current school year (2024-25), but not 4K eligible or older. *Applications due: March 5, 2025 *Screening date: March 12, 2025 For the 2025-2026 School Year, please apply here: https://forms.gle/boEwoi1uZ67WE1oe9 *Children must be 3 years of age before September 1st of the 2025-2026 school year, but not 4K eligible or older. *Applications due: April 30, 2025 *Screening date: May 7, 2025 Questions? Please contact Kayla Wendt (WUSD Early Learning Systems Coordinator) at wendtk@mywusd.org or 920-262-1495 ext. 3221.
13 days ago, WUSD Communications
Peer Model Registration
As we continue to celebrate National Career & Technical Education Month, we are recognizing the staff that leads our amazing CTE program. This year, more than 100 Watertown High School Students are participating in CTE-related apprenticeships with area businesses. Today we are pleased to highlight our CTE Business and Health teachers Mr. Cornelius (Business Education) and Mr. Gibson (Health Sciences). Thank you for all you do to support our WHS students!
13 days ago, WUSD Communications
Business Education
Health Sciences
February is National Career & Technical Education Month. We have an outstanding CTE program at Watertown High School that provides upwards of 90 different career and technical education pathways for students. Our CTE program is made possible through our dedicated staff, outstanding students and the incredible business partnerships that have been fostered throughout the community. Today our post introduces our Tech Ed instructors - Mr. Domer, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Gross and Mrs. Schultz.
15 days ago, WUSD Communications
Tech Ed Instructors
Lincoln STEM Elementary School hosted a career day on Friday where professionals from the Watertown community spoke with students about their respective careers and engaged them in demonstrations and activities. Among the visitors were a dairy farmer, police officer, mechanic, therapist, computer specialist, and even local government was represented by Mayor Emily McFarland. In addition, Jerry Hepp Excavating thrilled students by using their massive vacuum extractor truck to suction small batches of Legos! 🏫 It was a fun learning day for our students!
15 days ago, WUSD Communications
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Schurz Elementary School was recently presented with a Little AG Library through the Dodge County Dairy Promotion Committee. The Little AG Library was made possible through an Agricultural Literacy matching grant from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program. In addition to Schurz, three other Dodge County schools were also recipients of a Little AG Library – Bethany Lutheran in Hustisford, Central Wisconsin School in Waupun and St. Jerome’s School in Columbus. The Little AG Library was stocked with age-appropriate books representing agriculture commodities found in Wisconsin. The books are housed in a wooden barn-shaped library that was handcrafted by a local Dodge County woodworker and former dairy farmer. Pictured is Dodge County Dairy Ambassador Brenda Conley with Mrs. Gayle Ebert and her fourth-grade students, many of whom are holding the new books.
20 days ago, WUSD Communications
Schurz 4th graders
The Endeavor Charter School located within Watertown High School now has openings for new students. Incoming freshmen or students currently enrolled in WHS but looking for a different type of learning environment are encouraged to apply at endeavorcharterschool.org.
21 days ago, WUSD Communications
Endeavor Openings
Mrs. Peters’ 4K Webster Elementary School Wildcats ended their "pizza" week with a pizza party after reading "Hi, Pizza Man!" Special visitors Mr. Clark and Mr. Peters delivered pizza to the classroom. The students sampled cheese, pepperoni, and sausage pizzas and determined if they were "yummy" or "yucky." At the end of the party, student volunteers also sampled a “challenge”/everything pizza. It’s a great week to be learning the Wildcat Way, 100% Every Day!
22 days ago, WUSD Communications
4K Pizza Party
Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day and the start of Adult Crossing Guard Appreciation Week in Wisconsin. Last week, our school bus drivers celebrated School Bus Driver Appreciation Week. We are grateful for our school bus drivers and our crossing guards all throughout the year. Please complete a Random Act of Kindness today by thanking a school bus driver, a crossing guard, a teacher, or anyone you know who works to support children in our community.
22 days ago, WUSD Communications
School Crossing Guard Appreciation
💕 Douglas Elementary School’s therapy dog, Bailey, was shown lots of love on Valentine’s Day. Not only did he receive pets and cuddles from students, but he was also the beneficiary of an amazing gift from the Watertown-Beaver Dam Elks Lodge 666 in the form of a donation check totaling $4,414 to support his ongoing training and care. The funds were raised through a benefit concert held Jan. 4 with added contributions from Elks Lodge members. This check is in addition to a donation made last year by the Elks Lodge for Bailey’s training, equaling $5,984 in total contributions! Pictured at the check passing last Friday were (from left) Charlie Hensen, school parent who helped spearhead the therapy dog program at Douglas Elementary School; Elks members Tammy Riege Lambert and Dave DeCono, who helped organize the benefit concert; Bailey; Douglas Principal Emily Lessner; and Elks members Cristine Crum and Mike Meyer. Thank you so much!
23 days ago, WUSD Communications
Elks Lodge donation
TONIGHT AT 5:30 P.M. - ROAD TO THE REFERENDUM PRESENTATION AT RIVERSIDE MIDDLE SCHOOL The public is invited to come learn all about the Watertown Unified School District referendum question that will be on the April 1 general election ballot. Questions and feedback from audience members welcomed!
26 days ago, WUSD Communications
Referendum flyer
Attention WUSD Families! Due to the worsening weather conditions, all WUSD after school activities are canceled today, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025. Please note: Y Care will still take place as scheduled and the WUSD Policy Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. will be fully virtual. To join the meeting, visit: https://go.boarddocs.com/wi/watertown/Board.nsf/vpublic?open.
27 days ago, WUSD Communications