Halloween is in the air in Mrs. Pirkel's K/1 class at LEAP. The students really enjoyed using pumpkins in math class yesterday! 🎃
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students with a pumpkin
Students with a pumpkin
Students with a pumpkin
Students with a pumpkin
Our #WatertownWay Assistant Child Care Teacher students are learning how to teach a lesson that promotes cognitive development of children in middle childhood through scientific questioning by interacting with hermit crabs! How cool! 🦀
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students with hermit crabs
Check out these Douglas Tigers and teachers who were decked out in ORANGE for National Bullying Prevention Month! Being KIND and standing up for good is the #WatertownWay!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Staff wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
#WatertownWay 8th grade students worked in groups as they created literacy dominoes of their section of The Crossover to ultimately observe the narrative arc - a story's full progression!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
Last Friday, Watertown firefighters joined #WatertownWay students at Lincoln STEM for a special lunch in honor of Fire Prevention Week. Thank you to our incredible firefighters for taking the time to visit and for all that you do!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Firefighters eating lunch with students
Firefighters eating lunch with students
Firefighters eating lunch with students
Firefighters eating lunch with students
These #WatertownWay 7th grade science students built their own weather tools to try to predict the weather! 🌦️
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Student with a weather tool
student with a weather tool
students with a weather tool
student with weather tools
#WatertownWay students in Eric Kleine's 6th grade Dual Language Social Studies class at RMS explored "La Tumba del Faraón Desconocido" (The Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh). Over the past three days, students learned about Egyptian Hieroglyphics and the letters they represent in the Latin alphabet. Each pair of students then wrote two sentences about one aspect of this Unknown Pharaoh's life and posted it on the wall. The students entered the "Tomb" just like egyptologists would - with only flashlights to guide their way - and translated the hieroglyphs into Spanish, which was not an easy task given that the writings sometimes read left to right, right to left, or up and down. They then wrote a field report to an Egyptian newspaper that included his name and details about the Pharaoh's life. What an awesome learning experience!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
It's National School Bus Safety Week! The WUSD would like to thank all of our #WatertownWay bus drivers and support staff for all that they do to safely transport our students and staff! We appreciate you!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National School Bus Safety Week!
Mrs. Fuller's Basic Foods course students learned how to make cream puffs last week! These #WatertownWay students did awesome and enjoyed being in the kitchen!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students with creampuffs
students making cream puffs
students making cream for cream puffs
student with a pan of cream puffs
These #WatertownWay Webster School Wildcat Leaders (a.k.a. Student Council), which includes 1st through 5th grade, met for the first time in October.! They discussed their plans for the upcoming school-wide Red Ribbon Week activities and then made posters to promote those activities. All of the Red Ribbon Week activities include ways to make healthy choices. This group of Wildcat Leaders will serve through the 1st quarter. What a great group of student leaders!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Student Council
Our #WatertownWay Schurz 4K students enjoyed their books from the Library Media Center. How fun to take home a book to share with your family! These students also created "Itsy Bitsy Spiders" as part of their nursery rhyme unit. They cannot wait until next week when they can pick a new book!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
4K reading fun!
These #WatertownWay fifth grade readers are enjoying reading "The Westing Game" together! What are you reading today?
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Fifth graders with books
Mrs. McCormack helped LEAP Elementary celebrate National Lunch Week by inviting some guests to help serve lunch! Thank you to Superintendent Jarred Burke, Chief of Police Robert Kaminski, Officer Stacy Schroeder, and Lebanon Fire Chief Ben Tietz for joining us this week!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Superintendent serving food
Police officers serving food
fire chief serving food
Popcorn Friday's at Schurz Elementary School are kind of a big deal! Even the parents and teachers dress the same on Popcorn Fridays! Thank you, PTO, for providing the special popcorn treat on these special fun-filled days!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
3 adults dressed alike
These #WatertownWay teammates want you to have a fantastic Friday and wonderful weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Three staff members smiling
Our White Cane Day celebration continues! Kaleb, a 4th grade student, read the book, "My Cane" to students in the RISE K-2 classroom. These #WatertownWay students enjoyed feeling their name in Braille and enjoyed tasting cookies decorated with a white cane! Students in Mrs. Gratz's 5th grade classroom asked great questions about White Cane Day & vision impairments!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students and a teacher
Student reading to other students
These amazing #WatertownWay Schurz teammates we’re recognized by colleagues for a job well done! Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Staff with an award
Staff members with rewards
staff member with an award
October is National Principals Month! NPM honors principals for their significant impact on the success and well-being of our nation’s students. Join us as we celebrate all of our #WatertownWay principals for their leadership! #ThankAPrincipal
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National Principals Month
A big SHOUT OUT to our incredible #WatertownWay Nutrition Services teammates in honor of National School Lunch Week! You are simply - amazing! 🥪🥗🥛
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National School Lunch Week
White Cane Day learning continued at RMS! Mrs. Grender, WUSD's Vision specialist was our special guest speaker in RMS's Room 401! She talked about "White Cane" Day which represents those individuals who are visually impaired. She read a book, brought fancy cookies with a cane on them, and showed us what a cane looked like! Thank you, Mrs. Grender!
almost 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Student with a white cane cookie
student with a white cane cookie
Mrs. Grender teaching students about white cane day
Mrs. Grender teaching students about white cane day