WHS students Carlos Ancira-Espino, Liz Hafenstein, Tessa Schwager and Morgan Scher recently earned the honor of being the champions of 3rd hour team sports in Phy Ed class. Way to go!
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Mrs. Canenguez's classroom at Schurz School celebrated All Saint’s Day on November 1st. To celebrate, they remembered the famous Gigantic Kites made in Guatemala.
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Earlier in October, Watertown High School students were treated to a German Fest sponsored by our local chapter of the National German Honor Society. First hour classes competed in a daily trivia contest to win root beer floats and warm pretzels--Ms. Meissner's class enjoyed the prize! Students also looked for a new daily hiding sport for Hannah the Bear, winning German chocolate for bringing her back. After school, students guessed how many German candies were in a jar--congratulations to Connor Hawes for coming closest!
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Grades 2/3 Classes at Lincoln STEM had members of the Dodge-Jefferson Beekeepers Association share a presentation and conduct a simulation of honeybees in a hive as an extension of their Life Cycles & Survival Project Lead the Way module.
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
HOSA recently held their "HOSAween" event. Leah Salva and Amelia Dean were the winners of the pumpkin carving contest with their "Nightmare Before Christmas" pumpkin.
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
On Monday, 10/9, four of our WHS students participated in the Badger Conference Honors Orchestra. Jacob Johnson, Sarin Johnson, Kieran McCarthy, and Sara Rodriguez spent the day rehearsing with other students from our conference and were led by Oriol Sans, Director of Orchestral Studies at UW-Madison. They rehearsed throughout the day at the Hamel Music Center on the UW-Madison Campus and performed a concert in the evening, attended by family and friends. The students learned music by Grieg, Assad, Bernstein, and Stravinsky. Also participating in the event were students from Beaver Dam, Edgewood, Fort Atkinson, McFarland, Monona Grove, Mt. Horeb, Oregon, Reedsburg, Verona, and Waunakee.
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
First year German students competed against other classes to see which class could be the fastest at passing a ball to every student while counting in German. They came up with creative strategies to increase their speed!
about 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Grades 4 and 5 at Lincoln Stem played Treble Clef Twister in Music class. Students drew their own staff and treble clef. Music Teacher Michelle Beine called out hand/foot and left/right to put on the correct line or space.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Mr. Stollberg and Miss Olen's classes joined up for Trivia Thursday during their morning meeting! While having a blast, students worked on SO many skills - focusing attention, listening, sharing their ideas, supporting ideas with evidence, cooperation, and accepting outcomes. Learning is fun as a 5th Grade Douglas Tiger!
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Mr. Olszewski brought his fifth graders on a trip to the office to formally meet Mrs. Stankey in the health room! During their morning meetings, Mr. O and his class explore and discuss the Essential 55 life skills - one of which is greeting others by name! “Good morning, Mrs. Stankey!”
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Mr. O
Mathematicians at work from 4/5 Lincoln STEM! Students are enjoying our new program Number Corner and are learning how to effectively communicate their reasoning during Math.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Stem Math
More Homecoming fun while WHS athletes visit during Douglas Elementary's lunch time as part of Homecoming celebrations.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Douglas Homecoming
Students at LEAP Elementary had an egg-cellent time collecting eggs from their hens and using them for a learning project. After learning about how long it takes an egg to go from a hen to the store, students observed and compared store bought eggs to the school’s hen’s eggs - that included how the eggs tasted! Students enjoyed an egg-stra delicious breakfast straight from their own coop!
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
What do two former LEAP students and one current LEAP student have in common? All three of these LEAPsters had grandfathers who taught Science together at Watertown High School. See if you can decide which student belongs to Mr. Buescher, Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Niemann?
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Congratulations to the Gosling Marching Band for their 2nd place finish in class AAA at the Milton Redhawk Invitational last Saturday. The band was awarded a school record score for their performance. The Goslings will wrap up their competitive season at the State Marching Championships on October 14 at UW-Whitewater.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
eCampus Elementary learners enjoyed listening to the story, Spookley The Square Pumpkin, creating a craft and trying to find our own Spookley in the pumpkin patch!
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
WHS athletes recently visited RMS 6th graders as part of homecoming celebrations.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
The WHS Class of 1993 recently held their 30th class reunion. During half time of the homecoming football game, they presented WHS Principal Josh Kerr with a donation in memory of 11 unique and wonderful classmates that have been lost.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Class Reunion
All Veterans are invited to join WHS students and staff on November 10, 2023, for a breakfast and ceremony in honor of Veteran's Day. Please RSVP by Friday, October 27th. R.S.V.P's can be submitted online here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_qFCPzDfiLW4xLU-ljzuKbojGYiAlcb5UD1JG-GLmNVaSaA/viewform
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens
Veteran's Day
Check out these fun pictures of Webster Wildcats enjoying activities during their celebration of Homecoming Week.
over 1 year ago, Lynn Linskens