Youth Apprenticeship

The 2025 Youth Apprenticeship breakfast was held Tuesday morning, March 4, where 93 Watertown High School seniors were recognized for their participation in the program. The Youth Apprenticeship program was established in Watertown in 2009 with 39 students enrolled. This year, 124 students – both juniors and seniors – are participating in the program.

The Youth Apprenticeship program is administered by Sarah Tarpey, Family Consumer Sciences teacher and School to Career coordinator, and Heather Jozwowski, Jefferson County Youth Apprenticeship coordinator. This year, the program is partnered with 101 area business mentors to provide apprenticeship opportunities to WHS students.

As part of the program, students may pursue apprenticeships in 16 career “pathways” that include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Arts, A/V Technology & Communications; Business Administration; Education; Finance; Government; Health Sciences; Hospitality & Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security; Manufacturing; Marketing; Science, Technology & Mathematics (STEM); and Transportation, Distribution & Logistics.

Following the breakfast, representatives from the partner businesses and parents/caregivers of the Youth Apprenticeship program students toured the Career and Technical Education department at the high school.

Pictured are the graduating seniors with program mentors, parents and guardians, and WUSD staff members.