PreACT Secure

March 18, 2024

Dear WUSD 9th & 10th Grade Parents/Guardians: 

This letter will provide you with all the necessary details regarding the Online PreACT Secure state-mandated assessment that will take place on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at Watertown High School. Please read through this document carefully to ensure you do not miss any important information!  All freshman and sophomores in the state of Wisconsin will take the Online PreACT Secure Test free of charge.  The test consists of four multiple-choice tests: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Students MUST bring their WUSD Chromebook and Chromebook charger with them to the testing room. Students should plug in their Chromebook overnight to ensure it is fully charged on test day. Students will only be allowed to take the ACT on a district issued Chromebook.

Sophomore students will also be participating in the Wisconsin Forward Exam (Social Studies test) on Thursday, April 18 during an extended homeroom period.

A detailed schedule is listed below for Wednesday, April 10:

7:30 - 7:55            Breakfast provided to all students 

8:00                           Students arrive in testing rooms/Complete Non-Test Information 

8:20 - 8:55            English test (35 minutes) 

9:00 - 9:45            Math test (45 minutes) 

9:45 - 10:00          Break (10-15 mins) 

10:05 - 10:45        Reading test (40 minutes) 

10:50 - 11:25        Science test (35 minutes) 1

1:30                            Collect Test Tickets -  Freshman & Sophomores Dismissed

*Buses will run at the regular 2:15 p.m. time

Testing Protocol and Procedures:

Please note that the guidelines for administering the Online PreACT Secure are very strict.  Students must take the test in one sitting (unless they have received an approved accommodation). Students will be notified if they are receiving an accommodation as their end time may be different from their peers. Any deviation from protocol or unacceptable behavior will result in an invalid test score.  If students are asked to leave the testing room for a rule infraction, the student will NOT be permitted to make up the test and the test will be marked void.

  • Students MUST bring their WUSD Chromebook and Chromebook charger with them to the testing room.

  • Students will need to show their Student ID or Driver’s License before entering the testing room.

  • Cell phones and electronic devices (like Smart Watches) must be left at home, in a vehicle or locker. If a student has any interaction with their cell phone, even during break times, the test will be invalid.

  • Students are encouraged to bring their own calculators, however, there is a calculator available in the test.

  • Students should bring a pencil to use as scratch paper will be provided.

  • If a student is absent, they are required to make up the assessment. We will communicate with the student regarding a make-up date.

Please encourage your student to make the most of this opportunity to do their very best on the PreACT Secure test.  For more information regarding the PreACT Secure and WI Forward, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website: PreACT Secure and the WI Forward Exam.  If you have any questions, please contact me at or 920-262-7500.  We look forward to a successful test administration at WHS on April 10th!


Josh Kerr, WHS Principal