
WUSD is now accepting candidacy declarations for School Board. There are three (3) open seats. The term of office is three years, beginning Monday, April 28, 2025, and expiring Sunday, April 23, 2028. If you are interested in running for School Board, all required forms must be completed and submitted to the WUSD filing officer no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The WUSD does not require nomination papers for School Board candidates.

More information and the appropriate documentation for submission can be found on our 2025 Spring Election webpage. A candidate packet can also be picked up at the Educational Service Center, 111 Dodge Street, Watertown. Please reach out to Lynn Linskens at linskensl@mywusd.org or (920) 262-1460, ext. 3202 if you have any questions.