RMS Daily Announcements 5/31/22
The Watertown Unified School District Board of Education is pleased to announce the selection of three finalists to interview for the position of WUSD Superintendent! The three finalists will visit the WUSD on June 2, 6 and 8 for individual days of tours, forums and meetings. A parent/community/staff forum will be held in the WHS Media Center and via Zoom on the following dates and times:
🔵Dr. Ryan Krohn - June 2 at 5:00 p.m.
🔵Ryan Ruggles - June 6 at 5:30 p.m.
🔵Dr. Jarred Burke - June 8 at 5:30 p.m.
To learn more about the candidates, please visit https://www.watertown.k12.wi.us/page/meet-the-candidates.
Our #WatertownWay staff would like to honor today all military personnel who lost their lives while serving our country.
A big SHOUT OUT to our #WatertownWay band students and staff for a wonderful RMS Spring Concert! Way to go, Panthers!
Memorial Day is a time to reflect upon those who served in our US Military. Today, our #WatertownWay REACH 18-21 Transition Program students spent the day learning about the history of Memorial Day. Students had the opportunity to walk around the Watertown Veterans Memorial Park honoring those men and women who served our country. While at the park, they discussed the different branches of the Military, the unforgettable wars, and special medals awarded for their service. The REACH students and staff would like to recognize and thank all those men and women who served in our US Military past and present - especially those who are from our Watertown Community.
The WUSD would like to thank all of our extraordinary scholarship donors for awarding $500,000 in scholarships to our outstanding #WatertownWay Class of 2022 Seniors last night! We are extremely humbled! Words cannot describe your generosity! THANK YOU!
Thank you to Officer Bohlman for presenting about drugs to Ms. Moulton’s 6th grade Health class! JUST SAY NO!
RMS Daily Announcements 5/27/22
RMS Daily Announcements 5/26/22
Who could forget the 2013 Lip Dub?! It was so much fun, our current #WatertownWay WHS students decided to do their own version! Filming took place this morning, so stay tuned for the full feature version coming your way! In the meantime, here's a photo of our students celebrating to "Jump Around" at the end of the Lip Dub video this morning.
Link to 2013 Lip Dub: https://youtu.be/woYoKjl20a8
RMS Daily Announcements 5/25/22
RMS Daily Announcements 5/24/22
It's not to late to donate glasses to the Watertown Lions club. A donation box is located at all schools in WUSD. This year nearly 40 pairs of glasses were donated to Schurz Elementary School!
Attached is a picture of Kaleb Andrews and the glasses he counted at Schurz today. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!!
RMS Daily Announcements 5/19/22
Congratulations to these #WatertownWay RMS National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) inductees! We are so proud of your accomplishments! Keep up the great work!
These #WatertownWay RMS 8th grade students are doing mock interviews as a self-designed project to help other students become familiar with interview questions and to analyze the answers in order to help students craft quality answers when interviewing.
We can't wait to welcome Dr. Talithia Williams into the Watertown community tomorrow night! Please join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Watertown High School Auditorium to hear Dr. Williams deliver a charismatic keynote presentation ~ Power in Numbers: Engaging Students in STEAM!
RMS Daily Announcements 5/18/22
Congratulations to our newest National Junior Honor Society Inductees! We are so proud of your hard work and accomplishments! Well done!
RMS Daily Announcements 5/17/22