Mr. Foley's #WatertownWay 8th Grade students competed in a team building challenge. The mission was to rescue a "victim" from a disaster situation. Students worked in teams of three people to design and build wooden stretchers and platforms to complete the task and save a life!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students and teacher carrying a homemade wooden stretcher
Daily Announcements Tuesday, 10/25/22
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
10/25/22 Daily Announcement
RMS LOVES Our Veterans! 💙🤍💙💙🤍💙 We want to recognize Veterans at the upcoming Veteran's Day assembly in a slide show presentation at RMS on Friday, November 11. If you have a loved veteran, please fill out the google form found on the RMS website or QR code below in the attachment.
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
Student Council Sponsored Spirit Days Monday October 24th – Hat Day for $1 Tuesday October 25th – Crazy Hair Day Wednesday October 26th - Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness Monday October 31st – Black & Orange 💙🤍💙🤍💙
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
Crazy Hair
Pink Out
Black & Orange
7th grade ELA reader's theater. 💙🤍💙📖💙🤍💙
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
7th grade ELA reader's theater.  💙🤍💙📖💙🤍💙
7th grade ELA reader's theater.
Daily Announcements for Monday, 10/24/22
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
10/24/22 Daily Announcement
In Mr. Foley's 8th Grade classes, the students competed in a team building challenge. The mission was to rescue a victim from a disaster situation. Students worked in teams of three people to design & build wooden stretchers and platforms to complete the task and save a life.
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
🏀 Hey Gosling Fans! 🏀 Basketball season is right around the corner! Get your spirit apparel now and support the WHS boys basketball program by visiting! The online store closes on October 31!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Gosling Gear Sale
On Saturday, November 19th, the WUSD will be hosting a Community Blood Drive offered by Versiti Blood Centers. Fall into giving this season and donate! Please consider making a difference in someone's life - you won't regret it! Bonus - each donor will receive a buy one, get one coupon for Noodles & Company! Yum! 🍲 Sign up here:
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Blood Drive
This one is taking it back in time! #WatertownWay RMS 6th graders recently finished a unit about the Roaring 20’s. They researched famous people from the 1920’s and 1930’s and then came to a mock speakeasy dressed as that person. They had something to eat and drink, told the class a little about themselves, listened to some jazz music and watched a Charlie Chaplin film!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students dressed up in 20's clothing
Staff dressed up in 20's clothing
Daily Announcements 10.22.22
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
10/20/22 Daily Announcement
#WatertownWay 8th grade students worked in groups as they created literacy dominoes of their section of The Crossover to ultimately observe the narrative arc - a story's full progression!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
Students reading a book
These #WatertownWay 7th grade science students built their own weather tools to try to predict the weather! 🌦️
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Student with a weather tool
student with a weather tool
students with a weather tool
student with weather tools
#WatertownWay students in Eric Kleine's 6th grade Dual Language Social Studies class at RMS explored "La Tumba del Faraón Desconocido" (The Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh). Over the past three days, students learned about Egyptian Hieroglyphics and the letters they represent in the Latin alphabet. Each pair of students then wrote two sentences about one aspect of this Unknown Pharaoh's life and posted it on the wall. The students entered the "Tomb" just like egyptologists would - with only flashlights to guide their way - and translated the hieroglyphs into Spanish, which was not an easy task given that the writings sometimes read left to right, right to left, or up and down. They then wrote a field report to an Egyptian newspaper that included his name and details about the Pharaoh's life. What an awesome learning experience!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
Students doing hieroglyphics
It's National School Bus Safety Week! The WUSD would like to thank all of our #WatertownWay bus drivers and support staff for all that they do to safely transport our students and staff! We appreciate you!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National School Bus Safety Week!
These #WatertownWay teammates want you to have a fantastic Friday and wonderful weekend!
about 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
Three staff members smiling
October 13, 2022 Daily Announcements
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
10/13/22 Daily Announcement
Hello RMS Families, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held tonight from 4:00-7:00 PM. The conferences will be a drop in format that you are able to stop in at your convenience to meet with your students’ teachers. We anticipate individual conferences lasting for 10-15 minutes to ensure we have enough availability for everyone to meet with each of their student’s teachers. If you think you will need more time for these conversations, we would ask that you schedule a time outside of conferences to have a more in-depth discussion. A copy of your student schedule will be available in our commons for you to pick up, if needed. As always, we encourage students to attend conferences with their parents/guardians. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Thurow
Parent Teacher Conference
October is National Principals Month! NPM honors principals for their significant impact on the success and well-being of our nation’s students. Join us as we celebrate all of our #WatertownWay principals for their leadership! #ThankAPrincipal
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National Principals Month
A big SHOUT OUT to our incredible #WatertownWay Nutrition Services teammates in honor of National School Lunch Week! You are simply - amazing! 🥪🥗🥛
over 2 years ago, Jaime Rosenow
National School Lunch Week