4th/5th students!! It's that time again for signing up for Pizazz! Practices will be from 3:20 until 4:20 pm on Monday evenings at Schurz School. Please follow the links to sign your student up by Monday, September 27th.

A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to our Principal Getz on their newest addition to the family...Welcome, Otto!!!

Writing assessments at the beginning of the year are way more fun while wearing silly socks from your teacher! Check out our #WatertownWay writers in action in Mrs. Weinheimer’s 2/3 Class at Lincoln STEM. Do you recognize anyone?

Hands-on learning, while using Play-Doh, to get to know each other on the first day of school is awesome! Do you recognize any of Mrs. Weinheimer's 2/3 #WatertownWay students from Lincoln STEM?

You are smart. You are kind. You are strong. You are brave. You are AMAZING! Welcome back to all of our #WatertownWay 4K and elementary students! It was great to see you at our Ready, Set, Go! conferences and we are looking forward to a great school year!

The next Feeding America food distribution event will be held at WHS on Friday, September 10 beginning at 3:30 p.m. Please visit https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KFiNOTS9kapkAnw4KF5mhtYUZVQ1lmrQiXRdu5tYonw/edit?usp=sharing for more information. #FeedingAmerica

Another great day of professional development for our teaching staff

Online registration is still open for the 2021-22 school year! Please visit https://www.watertown.k12.wi.us/page/2021-22-registration for more information. If your family needs online registration assistance, please contact your child(ren)'s school to schedule an appointment.

Hey #WatertownWay Elementary Families! Don't forget to sign up for Ready, Set, Go! Conferences via Skyward Family Access! Please visit https://www.watertown.k12.wi.us/article/497029 for more information.

Looking for before and after school care for the 2021-22 school year? Please visit https://www.glcymca.org/watertown-y-care to learn more about the Watertown Area YMCA's Y Care program offered at Douglas, Schurz and Webster Elementary Schools.

Teachers having fun while learning.

Teacher engaged in their professional development.

Professional development is in full swing for the great teachers of WUSD

Congratulations to our amazing #WatertownWay Athletic Director Jamie Koepp for recently being inducted into the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association 2020 Hall of Fame! #GoslingProud

It's a beautiful day today to stop by Glenn's Brat Haus from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and support the Riverside Middle School AVID program! The brat of the week is the Hawaiian! See you there!

#WatertownWay Students and Families: 2021-22 Online Registration is now open!
Please visit https://watertownwi.sites.thrillshare.com/page/2021-22-registration for more information. We can't wait to see you in the fall!

Lincoln STEM Summer School students would like to brighten up your rainy day with some happy sunshine faces! #WatertownWay #SummerSchool

"Don't Let it Bug You" was the theme of this week's Lincoln STEM Garden Club meeting. Our #WatertownWay students learned about good bugs vs bad bugs for the garden, released ladybugs into their gardens, and made their first harvest! 🐼❤🍓🌱