Who doesn't love Gosling Gear?! Check out 👀 this online sale to get yours now! http://sideline.bsnsports.com/.../watertown-high-school
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Gosling North Face apparel sale
The WUSD is hiring! Check out the posting below 👇 and apply online at https://wecan.waspa.org/. Interested in learning more about the positions we have available? Please contact Human Resources Administrative Assistant Sarah Miller at millers@watertown.k12.wi.us.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
The WUSD is hiring ad!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22nd, we are anticipating freezing rain, ice, sleet and snow throughout the early morning hours and throughout the day. During the times of expected travel for our students, staff, families, and our WUSD bus transportation, the National Weather Service is predicting unsafe driving conditions. As a result, we will be closing school on Tuesday, February 22nd. All evening activities for Tuesday, February 22nd will also be canceled. Please stay safe and stay warm out there.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
WUSD Closed Post
Check out this creative #WatertownWay STEM band! These STEMbots sure know how to make their imaginations come to life! 🎶
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Students with STEM-made instruments
Watertown High School is pleased to present Grease - The Musical March 11-13, 2022. Come check out our amazingly talented #WatertownWay students! It's a show you don't want to miss! Tickets are currently on sale at www.goslingmusic.org.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Grease - The Musical
This week we celebrate Wisconsin School Bus Driver Appreciation Week! Hats off to all of our #WatertownWay school bus drivers for transporting our students safely to and from school and events! We appreciate all that you do! Wisconsin School Bus Association
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Wisconsin School Bus Driver Appreciation Week
Wishing our #WatertownWay students, staff, families and community members a Happy Valentine's Day! 💖
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Happy Valentine's Day
#WatertownWay students in 2/3 at Lincoln STEM worked collaboratively to complete a Project Lead the Way module that challenged them to code a video game. Each game was very creative and we had fun learning to play each of the games!
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Students showing their iPad work in STEM
Student showing their iPad work in STEM
Student showing their iPad work in STEM
Student showing their iPad work in STEM
The Watertown Athletic Booster Club is sponsoring its 11th Annual Winter Open Indoor Track and Field Meet on Saturday, March 5th. It is open to children in grades 3-5, middle school, high school, and adult athletes. Meet information and registration can be found at https://watertown-high-school-booster-club.sportngin.com/register/form/130697577
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Watertown Track and Field Logo
We are excited to announce that SkillsUSA Watertown has partnered with YES! Watertown to host this year's community ICE OUT event! The #WatertownWay SkillsUSA team welded up a structure this year to be placed on the ice. Get the winning timeslot for when it sinks through, win $500.00! Proceeds will be shared with the SkillsUSA program. Ticket sales end February 15th! For more information on this event, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/yeswatertown
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
ICE OUT Event Logo
Did you know that the Watertown Unified School District continues to provide FREE breakfast and lunch to all in-person learners through the end of the 2021-22 school year? Students need not qualify for the Free & Reduced Meal Program in order to receive free meals this school year.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Free School Breakfast and Lunch Announcement
It's National School Counseling Week! Thank you to our incredible #WatertownWay counseling team for having hearts full of love, ears ready to listen and hands willing to help! We are so thankful for you!
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
National school counseling week thank you image
UW Madison’s Wisconsin Singers will be performing at Watertown High School on Friday, February 11th, at 7:00 p.m. - featuring opening performances by the #WatertownWay Pizazz, RMS Show Choir, River City Rhapsody, and Femme Fusion! This is a must-see show that will entertain the entire family! The Wisconsin Singers is comprised of University of Wisconsin students of all majors, pursuing their passion for music. Included in this year’s troupe are two Watertown High School alumni: Rachel Moldenhauer and Ian Decker. Tickets are currently on sale at https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/60199 . All proceeds will benefit the WHS vocal department.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Girl performing All That Jazz
Boy singing with an ear microphone
The #WatertownWay Gosling Career Fair is coming 3/16/2022! Go to www.WatertownJobFair.com to register and for more information.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Gosling Career Fair
4K & 5K online enrollment for the 2022-23 school year opened TODAY! Please visit https://www.watertown.k12.wi.us/browse/210427 for more information. The WUSD is the place to BE! #WatertownWay
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
4K & 5K Enrollment Open Ad
Come join the WUSD team! We are hiring #WatertownWay substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals! The more assignments, the more incentives! Apply online now at https://wecan.waspa.org/.
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Hiring Flyer for the Watertown Unified School District
4K & 5K online enrollment for the 2022-23 school year opens on Tuesday, February 1st at 10:00 a.m. Please visit https://www.watertown.k12.wi.us/browse/210427 for more information. The WUSD is the place to BE! #WatertownWay
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
4K and 5K Enrollment Opens Feb 1
Lincoln STEM students have been busy growing lettuce on their hydroponics machine. The Student Leadership Team harvested 25 bags of lettuce, and it was donated to the Watertown Food Pantry! #WatertownWay #lincolnSTEM #studentleaders #studentsgivingbacktotheircommunity
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Students growing lettuce on hydrophonic machine
Hydrophonic lettuce machine
Bagged lettuce
If you aren't going to Trivia Night, you are missing out! Join us on Saturday, February 5 at WHS for an evening honoring Everyday Heroes and supporting Watertown Athletic Booster Club Athletes!
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Trivia Night 2022 Flyer
TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!🎟️🎟️🎟️ The Wisconsin Singers will present their new show “Come Alive!” on February 11th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the WHS Auditorium. This year’s troupe features two WHS graduates: Rachel Moldenhauer and Ian Decker! Tickets can be found at: https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/60199 Adult tickets are priced at $15.00 and senior/student tickets are $12.00. All proceeds will benefit the Watertown High School vocal department!
about 3 years ago, Jaime Caudle
Rachel Moldenhauer
Ian Decker