Welcome to Rooms - the WUSD's New Communications Tool

Don't miss out on important communication from your student's teachers and coaches - help us make Rooms a success by logging in today!

Rooms is a two-way secure messaging tool that will enable parents, teachers, coaches and students to stay better connected.

Rooms will go live at the start of the Third Quarter for:

Watertown High School

Endeavor Charter School

Discovery Academy

eCampus Academy

Rooms will go live at the start of the Fourth Quarter for:

Riverside Middle School

All Elementary Schools

Watertown 4-Kids

HOW TO FIND ROOMS: Access Rooms from your cellphone by downloading the Watertown USD app for Android or iPhone. You may also log into Rooms from your desktop computer at edurooms.com. Once you log in, you remain in Rooms for the duration of time you have students in the WUSD.

Please enable notifications so you don't miss out on any communication!

The decision to move to Rooms stems from a district-wide communications audit conducted in 2023. Feedback from that audit stated that there was a desire among parents and guardians for a one-stop messaging and information tool that could be used seamlessly across all campuses. In alignment with our Communications Audit and Communications Plan, our Administration is now moving forward with Rooms (in conjunction with Skyward and Gmail/Google Classroom) to become the approved communications tools of the school district.