Welcome to the Watertown Unified School District

The Watertown Unified School District is embarking on a strategic planning process to outline a path to sustainability and growth for the district in the years to come. The process is being driven by the Strategic Planning Workgroup, which is focusing on student performance and growth, educator quality, community engagement, and facilities and operations as they conduct their work.

The public is welcome to attend and participate. The fourth and final workgroup meeting will take place on July 23, 2024 from 6-8 p.m. at the Watertown Public Library. Please register to attend by clicking Workgroup Registration

We're Making Headlines!

Newspaper snip

Newspaper snip


Our Guiding Principles

Core Principals

2024 Strategic Planning Process

It's not too late to join - have a voice in the future of the Watertown Unified School District!

Register to join the Strategic Planning Workgroup by clicking https://bit.ly/wusdspsignup or https://bit.ly/3VnnjWi (Espanol)

SP English

SP Espanol