The Gosling Nest

The mission of the Gosling Nest is to model compassion through providing food, clothing, and other basic necessities to Watertown High School students to promote educational success.

Gosling Nest WHS Student Request Form. If you are in need of an item or items please let us know by filling out this form!
It is estimated that one out of every three students in Watertown is currently experiencing food hardship, meaning their family can’t always afford the food they need. Those affected are not just numbers. They are real people. They are our neighbors. They are our students.
Hillary Lobenstein, a Watertown High School Educator, had a vision and was committed to finding a way to help our struggling students. She began to create her vision in January of 2016 and named it the Gosling Nest. The Gosling Nest is a place for students in need to get free food, personal essentials, and new and gently used clothing, shoes, and coats. Today, Hillary is joined by Jana Strobel, a WHS Educator, to grow the Gosling Nest in order to service the needs of our student body. We need help from our community. Moreover, we need your help.
The mission of The Gosling Nest is to model compassion through providing food, clothing, and other basic necessities to Watertown High School students to promote educational success.
School is an important resource center for our students because more than 42% of our students receive free or reduced lunch. With the support of food, clothing, and other basic necessities, we will help foster improved health and wellness, fewer disciplinary issues, and increased academic performance. We distribute supplies discreetly in an accessible and safe environment. The Gosling Nest is a safe and supportive place to help students through their time of need which in term helps the student be more successful in school and in the future.
We may not be the largest food and personal essentials pantry in Watertown, but we have huge hearts and students that are beyond grateful for the support they are receiving. If you are willing to help donate food, clothing, personal essentials or make a monetary donations to help the Gosling Nest, please contact us.
With your support, these WHS students are able to refocus their energy on learning rather than on their basic needs. Therefore, they are able to improve their academics, change their future and improve the future of Watertown as a whole.
Mrs. Hillary Lobenstein WHS Educator 920.285.0452
Mrs. Jana Strobel WHS Educator 920.988.8547