Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning
STEM Class Structure
Science, Technology & Society
Open to 6th-8th graders, STS takes the place of the traditional science and social studies course within a student’s schedule. Students will engage in cross-curricular, teacher directed project-based learning on a three-year rotation. As part of this rotation, students will complete Project Lead the Way curriculum in courses such as Computer Science for Innovators and Makers & App Creators.
STEM Elective
With advisor guidance and support, students will engage in an independent project process based on their own wonderings about the world around them. The Riverside STEM project process contains three distinct phases with individual conferences between each element. These phases include: planning, research, and product development. By designing their own projects, students feel connected to their learning and in charge of their education. This class is open to 7th and 8th graders enrolled in the Riverside STEM Academy.
2015-2016: The Academy began in the second semester as a project-based science course option. Approximately 20 8th-graders piloted the program.
2016-2017: The Academy expanded to a social studies and science class with 80 students enrolled from both 7th and 8th-grade.
2017-2018: The Academy enrollment increased to 100 students in both 7th and 8th-grade.
2018-2019: The Academy expanded to include 6th-8th grade students and provides students with an interdisciplinary, personalized, project-based science, social studies, and English Language Arts course (60 students).
2019-2021: The Academy maintains its academic structure and increases enrollment to 81 students.
2021-2023: The Academy expands again to 108 students in grades 6-8.
2023-2024: The Academy becomes a student's science and social studies course with an enrollment of 108 students and is also offered as an elective to 7th and 8th graders.
2024-2025: STEM students gain preferred access to the new technology-rich SmartLab.